Milk Check Forecasting Tool

View projected milk prices for your farm, with your unique components and premiums combined with current markets. This tool can help you evaluate current risk management opportunities and compare current outlook with your past milk checks.

Smiley Family Farms landscapeSmiley Family Farms landscape

My Strategy Report

Easily view Dairy-RP and forward contract coverage in one place. This individualized report is updated daily with your coverage by month and quarter, including estimated forward contract adjustments and Dairy-RP indemnities based on current markets.
North harbor Dairy cows in the barnNorth harbor Dairy cows in the barn

Market Commentary

Each month, we publish a report reviewing the latest market news, insights and price protection opportunities. For the latest on what we're seeing from the DFA Risk Management desk, take a read. 
Market CommentaryMarket Commentary

Snapshot Videos

The info you need in just 2-minutes
Farmer inspecting his cowsFarmer inspecting his cows

Getting started with DFA Risk Management

We offer a wide variety of programs to help you protect your dairies against any number of risks beyond just milk and feed prices. If you're looking to learn more and take the first steps toward using risk management programs, here's what you should know.
Getting started with DFA Risk ManagementGetting started with DFA Risk Management
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